Friday, June 19, 2009

How do you like me now?

Hey Assalaamu Alaikum, what do ya think about my new diggs? I thought I would brighten up my page for summer. It's about time I do something different. I was getting bored for a minute. Yeah, I like it I think I'll keep sunny & pretty like this until I get bored hehehee. Hope Everyone had a good friday inshallah.

<3 taya* Umm Layth aka Sugarplum


  1. Mashallah you made a great choice. Thanks for including the Shabby blog link, I really like their backgrounds! Love this blog dear.

  2. Aww thanks jazakallah khair Lisa. I really think shabby designers know what they are doing, love this fresh vintage country feel hehe :P.

    <3taya* Umm Layth

  3. Asalaamu `alaikum Taya!!

    Luv the new design, ur totally right about it being summer and need to brighten up the place!! In fact I gotta make my Blog a little more lighter too since I got some feedback that the all-black with light-font just aint doing the thing *lol*

    luv ya xoxo

  4. Wa Alaikum Salaam Aalia, thanks I'm glad ur lovin' it! Yeah, I would say it's about time to punch up ur blog and let some color in. It will even make you happier when you make ur posts hehe. Do it up! hehe

    <3taya* Umm Layth
